
Books by , Writer

Soldier Hero Thief

Rating: 4.7 stars out of 5 on Amazon, based on 38 Amazon reviews
36 five-star reviews on Goodreads
Paperback price: $12.99
Kindle Price: $2.99
Available from: Amazon.com
Condition: New Available Now

pages, Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

Soldier Hero Thief

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Marnie Wilson did her duty in Iraq. She did her duty so well, she returned with a medal for valor. If not for the secret she carried home with her, in that same green bag as a medal she never wanted, maybe she could get on with her life.

Somehow, she’s been discovered. All the hiding, keeping a low profile, and obsessing over past mistakes has been for nothing. If she could just uncover what really happened in Iraq, when she was too stupid and confused to look—maybe, just maybe, all her issues would disappear.

Marnie’s circle of friends is nonexistent. All she has are fragile PTSD groupmates, an elementary school principal who desires her, a local cop who thinks she crazy, and an affable service dog named, Buck.

Her barely friends and a dog will have to be enough, because someone is after her. If she doesn’t gather that same warrior courage she found in Iraq real soon and solve the mystery that engulfs her, this time, she might not make it home.

What they are saying about Soldier Hero Thief:

From Reader's Favorite: "Soldier Hero Thief is balanced, intense, and riveting."

What Amazon customers are saying about Soldier Hero Thief:
“Diverse characters, strong woman and a lovable dog. What more could you want in a book?”

“I read your other 2 book series and thought, if this one is as good as those I'll read it too.. wow it is.. you are a wonderful storyteller...”

“Great story well thought out! This is a book that will be the cross over work for this author and there aren't many who can write well one more than one genre, but NS Austin can.”

“Having read hundreds of military and military fiction books, this one is highly recommended. PTSD issues, a noble K9, bad guys and a tough female vet, combined to give a captivating story. You are a gifted story teller, Ms Austin.”

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